Course Materials

Key Documents for International Arbitration

(1) The Hong Kong Arbitration Ordinance Cap 609 

(2) Arrangement Concerning Mutual Assistance in Court-ordered Interim Measures in Aid of Arbitral Proceedings by the Courts of PRC and Hong Kong SAR

(3) The Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre Administered Arbitration Rules Nov. 2018

(4) HKIAC Domestic Arbitration Rules 2014

(5) Guide to HKIAC Arbitration using UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules 2015

(6) HKIAC Guide To Arbitration Under the Domestic Arbitration Rules 2014

(7) HKIAC Guide to the Use of a Secretary to the Arbitral Tribunal

(8) UNCITRAL Documents

a. New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitration Awards 1958

b. UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules for Ad Hoc Arbitration (as revised in 2010)

c. UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration 2006

d. UNCITRAL Notes on Organizing International Arbitral Proceedings 2016

e. Explanatory Note by the UNCITRAL Secretariat on the 1985 Model Law on International Arbitration as amended in 2006

f. Status on legislative enactment based on UNCITRAL Model Law 2016

g. UNCITRAL Rules on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration

(9) ICC Arbitration Rules January 2021

(10) Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre

(11) The Leading Arbitrators’ Guide To International Arbitration 2nd Edition [Lawrence W. Newman, Richard D. Hill, Lawrence W. Newman, Richard D. Hill] 

(12) Common Useful Guides

a. IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration;

b. IBA Rules on Conflicts of Interest in International Arbitration

c. IBA Guidelines for Drafting International Arbitration Clauses 7 Oct 2010

(13) SCIA Arbitration Rules 2019-20

Useful Reading Materials

a. The Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators: International Commercial Arbitration Course Manual

b. Some thoughts on Hong Kong Arbitration Law by Prof. Reyes

c. The New HKIAC Domestic Arbitration Rules by Anita Fong & Alfred Wu [2012 Asian DR 103]

d. Party Autonomy in selection hybrid Ad Hoc Arbitration: Insignia Technology Ltd v Almstom Technology Ltd [2009] SGCA 24 Drew & Napier Legal Update 10 June 2009

e. Appointing Arbitrators – Conflicts of Interest and Other Challenges

f. Challenges to arbitrators for bias

g. The Principle of Kompetenz –Kompetenz in International Commercial Arbitration by Juan Eduardo Figueroa Valdes

h. Note on ExParte Communication by Samuel Wong

i. Confidentiality in Arbitration by Hew Dundas [2009 Asian DR 26]

j. Defining the Indefinable: Practical Problems of Confidentiality in Arbitration by Michael Hwang S.C. and Katie Chung [Journal of International Arbitration 26(5): 609-645, 2009]

k. Staying Litigation in Favour of Arbitration – Are Hong Kong Courts too Arbitration Friendly? By Philip Georgiou [2012 Asian DR 124]

l. Chok Yick Interior Design & Engineering Co. Ltd. v. Fortune World Enterprises Ltd. HCA 2394/2008 and HCA 280/2009;

m. “Anti-suit Injunctions”: Para. 7-38 of Arbitration in Hong Kong, A Practical Guide 2003, Vol. 1, Editor in Chief, Mr. Justice Ma

n. Staying Court Proceedings: Para 7-010 -012 of Russell on Arbitration 23rd Edition

o. Procedural Issues at Interlocutory and Hearing Stages by Philip Yang

p. Emergency Arbitrator: Developing the Emergency Arbitrator Procedure by Chiann Bao 2015

q. Evaluating the Advantages and Drawbacks of Emergency Arbitrators by E. Sussman and A. Dosman

r. The Implications of a Failure to Cross-Examine in International Arbitration by Poupak Anjomshoaa and John Bellhouse [23-6 Mealey’s Int’l Arbitration Report 19 (2008) ]

s. Expert Evidence: Five Common Exclusionary Rules – Expert Evidence 3rd Edition by Freckelton & Selbyo-m,,l

t. Note on Deciding and Drafting Arbitral Award by Samuel Wong

u. The Obligations of an Arbitrator to Give Reasons for a Decision by John Saunders

v. Note on Setting Aside and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in Hong Kong by Samuel Wong

w. CIArb Guide 13: Guidelines for Arbitrators on how to approach the making of awards on interest

x. Halliburton v Chubb [2020] ULSC 48: on legal duty to disclose and apparent bias

y. X v Y HCCT 62/2018 (5 November 2020); [2020] HKCFI 2782, Mimmie Chan J. : multi-contracts, multiple governing laws and dispute resolution choices; departure by the tribunal from the cases presented by the parties; whether reasonable opportunity by the respondent to present its case

z. Privacy, Confidentiality and Disclosure of information Relating to Arbitral Proceedings [2021] 1 MLJ by Datuk Professor Sundra Rajoo

Some convenient authorities and additional reading materials on recourse against arbitral awards:
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